Welcome, I'm Jessie ...aka... ScrapKitten

Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my lil space on the net where I can have fun... post my LO's, FREEBIES, & Designs...and just ramble onto anyone who is willing to take the time to listen!
I am a SAHM of 3 . Austin (11), Alyssa (3), and lil Hailey who is just a year old. I have a lil hobby that you all might be familiar with...SCRAPBOOKING!
I have been Digi Scrappin for almost 2 years now and Designing for a lil over a year, but I have been a Paint Shop Pro Addict for years.
You can find lotsa babbling and sometimes freebies and sales to my stores.
Please leave a comment if ya stop by, I would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your stay in the blog world!

Do you like my Blog? Watch out for my first Blog kit in the ScrapKitten Shoppe soon! It can be yours.

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Faast & Easy Alpha TUT!

I was adding my Alpha sets to my shops and decided to come post my Alpha TUT here for everyone. I make my alpha on single sheets to make it easier on both me AND you. I like having all my alpha in a few sheets rather than well LOTS heehee. So I made this tut to help use them with ease. I have PSP on one side and PS on the other. Hope this helps everyone and thanks for looking.

Fast & Easy Alpha

I started to make some alpha sets and decided to make this my first tutorial. I want to help save 'myself' (of course) and YOU some time. Let's keep the fun in creating those beautiful LO's instead of messing with a whole bunch of seperate files with different letters on each. I decided to make my alphas on single sheets, so this tutorial will help you make good use of these.
First of all you need to open your alpha file up in your program.

Next I am going to show you how to select just the letter you want to put onto your LO.

You will want to select your magic wand tool like above.

You have to make sure you have your settings selected properly in both programs. For PSP you need to select the All Opaque and for PS you need to make sure the Tolerance is set to 255. With that said you just need to click on the letter you want to put in your LO.

You will now see the marching ants around your letter. Now assuming you have your LO open just copy your letter and paste it to your page.

Now you can see that my letter is on my LO. I will now show you how to move it around and rotate to where you want it.

You need to select the pick tool in PSP and the move tool in PS. You now can see that the letter is outlined in a box. You can now click on your letter to move it to where you want.
Then you can rotate it how you would like it to appear.

In PSP you will see a lil square on the outside of the box. You need to click that and rotate it the way you want. In PS it's a lil different. You need to put your mouse on the outside corner of the box and you will see a lil arrow on both ands of a curved line, like in my diagram. Click that and you can rotate your letter. Now you can see that my letter is rotated a lil to the right. It's very simple. Now you can repeat those steps to get the rest of your letters onto your LO. See Fast & Easy! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you need any further help please don't hesitate to email me and I will be glad to explain more.

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