Welcome, I'm Jessie ...aka... ScrapKitten

Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my lil space on the net where I can have fun... post my LO's, FREEBIES, & Designs...and just ramble onto anyone who is willing to take the time to listen!
I am a SAHM of 3 . Austin (11), Alyssa (3), and lil Hailey who is just a year old. I have a lil hobby that you all might be familiar with...SCRAPBOOKING!
I have been Digi Scrappin for almost 2 years now and Designing for a lil over a year, but I have been a Paint Shop Pro Addict for years.
You can find lotsa babbling and sometimes freebies and sales to my stores.
Please leave a comment if ya stop by, I would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your stay in the blog world!

Do you like my Blog? Watch out for my first Blog kit in the ScrapKitten Shoppe soon! It can be yours.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I want to welcome a NEW Designer to ScrapKitten!!!

Well I am soooo happy to announce that Lisa...EAL Designs has joined the ScrapKitten Team!! She has been testing her designing skills out for a while now and well wait till you see her very first official Kit that she has added to the Shoppe.

Image is clickable

Isn't it just gorgeous? Just look at those yummy colors.Those fairies are too cute!
I am so proud to welcome her to the ScrapKitten Design Team as the first new Designer other then lil ole ME!! heehee

She also has an add on to this kit on her Blog. I promise you won't be dissapointed!!! I am not even going to show you a preview heehee. You just have to hop on over there and take a peek for yourself!
If you like the freebie, grab the kit in the Shoppe here while it is on sale for 25% off.

I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next. Oh wait i know what that is heehee. She is teaming up with me for our very first ScrapKitten Collab in August!! It's got some great colors and can't wait to release it. I better get my butt in gear and finish it then ........giggles.

I haven't been around much to post on my Blog and I am soo sorry for that. I miss everyone's comments and love in the comments. I have been going through a lil bit of a stressfull time and haven't really been in the mood to post. So again sorry for that. I have a lot of big things going on this month but ! promise I will have some great goodies for you soon.
I hope you have a great day and of course as always.....

Happy Scrappin!!
TaTa for Now!!


Teri said...

hi Jessie! I love Lisa's new kit and I can't wait to see what the August kit is!

Laura said...

Fantastic kit from Lisa!! Looking forward to the collab!!

EAL Designs said...

Thanks Jessie, and thank you Teri and Laura, I'm so glad you like it
Be sure to head over to my blog for the freebie
hugs, Lisa

Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!

MIP Scraps said...

Hi Jessie! I leave you an award in my blog... take a look:

Anonymous said...

I have nominated you for an award! Get the details here: http://stephaniesdesigns.blogspot.com/

Stephanie (RS Designs)