Welcome, I'm Jessie ...aka... ScrapKitten

Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my lil space on the net where I can have fun... post my LO's, FREEBIES, & Designs...and just ramble onto anyone who is willing to take the time to listen!
I am a SAHM of 3 . Austin (11), Alyssa (3), and lil Hailey who is just a year old. I have a lil hobby that you all might be familiar with...SCRAPBOOKING!
I have been Digi Scrappin for almost 2 years now and Designing for a lil over a year, but I have been a Paint Shop Pro Addict for years.
You can find lotsa babbling and sometimes freebies and sales to my stores.
Please leave a comment if ya stop by, I would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your stay in the blog world!

Do you like my Blog? Watch out for my first Blog kit in the ScrapKitten Shoppe soon! It can be yours.

Friday, October 12, 2007

My first Layout my Annscraps mum!! hehe

Looky what I got hehe Andreas mom made a page using my freebie! Yeahhh. Thanks so much for sharing I love it. I love the b/w photo. And Poonie.....hehe...you look A LOT like your mom.
Thanks soo much for sharing it with me Andrea.

I have to make this a quick post this morn cuz I have an apt at 8:30 AM lol
What in the world was I thinkin when I made that I dunno haha Aly decided to get up last night at 1 and then Haiely was still up until 2:30 it was a crazy crazy night so can ya say NAPPPPP TIME when I get back home LOL
Anyways I just wanted to share a challenge that I am deffinately goin to fit in some time for this week even if I don't make the deadline I still want to do it. It's about Cancer awareness month so it's one that will be special to me and I am sure there will be some crying to go along with it
You can find it here on the FPD blog. They have a few pink freebies as well but I don't have time to wait for this slow puter to load them lol So be sure to check them out.
Anyways gotta run hope you all have a great day and Happy Scrappin!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Jessie for making me feel like I just won the lottery. I never expected to see my page posted on anyone's site. I loved working with your kit.