Welcome, I'm Jessie ...aka... ScrapKitten

Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my lil space on the net where I can have fun... post my LO's, FREEBIES, & Designs...and just ramble onto anyone who is willing to take the time to listen!
I am a SAHM of 3 . Austin (11), Alyssa (3), and lil Hailey who is just a year old. I have a lil hobby that you all might be familiar with...SCRAPBOOKING!
I have been Digi Scrappin for almost 2 years now and Designing for a lil over a year, but I have been a Paint Shop Pro Addict for years.
You can find lotsa babbling and sometimes freebies and sales to my stores.
Please leave a comment if ya stop by, I would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your stay in the blog world!

Do you like my Blog? Watch out for my first Blog kit in the ScrapKitten Shoppe soon! It can be yours.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Yeahhhh!! My second favorite holiday of the year. I just love Halloween. I love dressin up and I love the looks on the kids faces. Daddy bought Aly a lil red riding hood costume and of course I had to try it on her last night and it looks soooo cute on her. I can't wait till tonight. I am prolly more excited then the kids HEHE. I am soooo excited that I fixed all the files to my Halloween kit and got it uploaded so it's allll ready Yahooo! I think I am gonna make some layouts using it in the morn when i get my pics on the puter. I have the batteries a chargin and I found my software for my camera so I can install it on the new puter. So picture takin here I come hehe. Well I am off to do some cleaning cuz I been so busy designing that I have been neglecting everything else lol. But I think I have come up with some awesome kits that I just can't wait to share. Hubby has been naming them for me cuz I am no good at that haha but hes awesome!! I love the names he comes up with. He's all into this scrapbooking thing now and it's so fun workin on it with him. Anyways I have to run I hope you all have a blast tonight!
Trick or Treat?

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