Welcome, I'm Jessie ...aka... ScrapKitten

Hi, my name is Jessie and this is my lil space on the net where I can have fun... post my LO's, FREEBIES, & Designs...and just ramble onto anyone who is willing to take the time to listen!
I am a SAHM of 3 . Austin (11), Alyssa (3), and lil Hailey who is just a year old. I have a lil hobby that you all might be familiar with...SCRAPBOOKING!
I have been Digi Scrappin for almost 2 years now and Designing for a lil over a year, but I have been a Paint Shop Pro Addict for years.
You can find lotsa babbling and sometimes freebies and sales to my stores.
Please leave a comment if ya stop by, I would love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your stay in the blog world!

Do you like my Blog? Watch out for my first Blog kit in the ScrapKitten Shoppe soon! It can be yours.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Finished page and HATING dial up LOL

So I was sittin here finishin my page up, waiting for an awesome kit to dl, sharing a bagel with Aly, and listening to Pop Goes the weasel and POP goes my internet LOL with only 5 mins left for my dl. I am soooo mad. I HATE dial up soo bad with a passion x 100. it takes soo long to dl a kit and then when it is almost done to lose the dl is sooo frustrating!!
Anyways I finished the page I have been workin on and I loveeee it The kit is soo awesome I can't wait for the rest of the parts to it.

I used Pink Paradise by: AmelieScrap

I am having some troubles figuring out how to change the logo at the top I want to make my own design but have no clue how to put it at the top of the page if anyone can help me I would be soooooo grateful LOL I am still new to this blog thing but I see it can get a lil addictive hehe
Well it's almost soaps time and nap time for Aly so I will try to make another page woohoo! I am goin to dig around for some pics of Austin this time! I will be back later.

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